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Larry Finally Admits What Really Went Down

Here’s a fun fact for your next Blue Collar Comedy Tour trivia night: Larry the Cable Guy hasn’t released a solo comedy special in over a full decade. And no, it’s not because cord-cutting put him out of a job — after all, he is neither a cable guy nor a Southerner in real life. According to an interview he gave to Fox News (so that your dad would see it, we assume), he apparently stepped back because he wanted to spend more time with his kids. (He has also been co-hosting a radio show.) But now he’s returned to the game of stand-up specials at a time that Fox describes as being “trying” for comedians, because what if cancel culture comes for “Git-R-Done”? After all, who is the “R” and what is being done!? Comedy Dynamics will release Remain Seated on April 7, and, despite Cable Guy’s white working-class persona, this isn’t being branded as a chance to “trigger the libs.” As he told Fox, he’s of the opinion that “most people just want to forget about it [politics] and just laugh.” He g...

Larry Finally Admits What Really Went Down

Here’s a fun fact for your next Blue Collar Comedy Tour trivia night: Larry the Cable Guy hasn’t released a solo comedy special in over a full decade. And no, it’s not because cord-cutting put him out of a job — after all, he is neither a cable guy nor a Southerner in real life. According to an interview he gave to Fox News (so that your dad would see it, we assume), he apparently stepped back because he wanted to spend more time with his kids. (He has also been co-hosting a radio show.) But now he’s returned to the game of stand-up specials at a time that Fox describes as being “trying” for comedians, because what if cancel culture comes for “Git-R-Done”? After all, who is the “R” and what is being done!?

Comedy Dynamics will release Remain Seated on April 7, and, despite Cable Guy’s white working-class persona, this isn’t being branded as a chance to “trigger the libs.” As he told Fox, he’s of the opinion that “most people just want to forget about it [politics] and just laugh.” He goes on to describe his special as mostly one-liners — “It’s a setup-punch-setup-punch format” — suggesting it will not include much political soapboxing. And while we could certainly get into a heated discussion of whether it’s possible to make apolitical art within an inherently political system, you could also just text your dad instructions on how to play this on the TV in the living room so he and mom can watch together. That’d be really nice of you.


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